Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Election Tidbits

Today in class we watched a video by John Oliver focused on how money intercepts political elections. While many people are for taking money out of politics, no one party is willing to go first, and no one party wants pay cuts. Money is sadly the necessary evil that comes with elections. The more money a candidate has, the larger their platform and the further they can reach.
While money fuels elections and connects many people to a candidate through commercials, ads, and posters, I must agree with Oliver. The work is the most important thing, ensuring hard work and following the Constitution is what is supposed to be important. Of course, due to SCWAMP those with money have more power. The Founding Fathers themselves were rich aristocrats, not the everyday man. When money gets mixed in things go awry. A candidate that campaigns for money ensures that they can be reelected.
If a candidate is always begging for money how can they do good for the country? All I can think of were the elite during the 1920s, who were so wealthy that the only time they worked was to gain prestige. I think of parties and large feasts, not current issues and challenging the system.
Many people share the same views but with money so ingrained in our culture and politics it's hard to focus on anything else. Someone needs to take the first step. After all, the higher you are the harder you fall.

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