The article we read today compared modern life to being in a zombie apocalypse. There's always some mindless, repetitive task to do (answering emails vs. shooting zombies in the head). It's not like an addiction, it's just something that has to be done so that we can survive. (You can't ignore important emails.) But the things that consume us, like my problem with the internet-I guess it could be considered an addiction because it feels like I need the internet to live. And I just took a test to determine my independence on the internet. I got 58, which was in the 50-79 zone:
"MODERATE 50 -79 points: You are experiencing occasional or frequent problems because of the Internet. You should consider their full impact on your life."
It's sort of like a drug to be honest. I would rather be reading a book or doing something fun, but instead I'm online liking and reblogging posts. Yeah, sometimes it's fun, and sometimes I don't go on for a few days, but I'm pretty constantly connected. Just a lot of tumblr, or YouTube. While this isn't necessarily bad, and it isn't my entire life, it is a problem.

It's like I just have to reblog posts or watch videos. I'm not spending so much time online because I find it fun, but because it's habit. It's my thing that I have to do, show my presence online to like things and add new stuff to my blog.
I suppose the way to end this zombie in my life would be to just delete my blog. But it's my thing to do, part of my daily habit. What would I do with all my free time?

I guess that, as described in the article, I just have to keep at it. It's almost like a job to just post stupid memes and do my rounds, but I guess that's my life. And the mindlessness it causes? It's so similar to a zombie apocalypse, it's hard to tell the difference.

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