So I'm going to go with Jennifer Lawrence here.

Lawrence starred in the Hunger Games, X-Men, and American Hustle, to name a few. Everybody loved how down to earth she seemed. She didn't worry about trying to keep a "Hollywood" body and acted like any other person. She swore, she joked around. She was sarcastic and had a no nonsense attitude. To many people, she seemed like a great example of what a woman should be-beautiful AND interesting. (Which is really problematic but that's the point of what I'm trying to say here.)
And then all of a sudden? People were starting to get sick of her. They loved her acting, but wanted more celebrities in movies (Hollywood is fickle and fast after all). Apparently, she couldn't play more than one character-sassy and sexy. The persona of sassy and sexy for which she had been so praised was now a downfall. Instead of being confident, she was cocky.

People then began to resent her attitude and her careless way of speaking. She described lesbians as being slutty, made light of eating disorders, etc etc. (Sources at the bottom) While some people agreed with her, some people believed she had crossed the line, myself included. There's a difference between being confident and being rude. But in a way, how can you blame her for saying whatever comes out of her mouth when that was apparently her best trait?
There was also an issue of nudes. People send nudes, whatever. Lawrence, like many adults, had sent them to her partners but they ended up being leaked. People everywhere saw them, and she got shamed. Now, look-if you search Jennifer Lawrence on google just to find a picture of her face, hundreds of sexual images pop up too. People saw Lawrence as a sex object, and were delighted when she was comfortable with her body.
But when she was comfortable to showing her body to someone who was not the crazy sexed up masses of fans, she got backlash. Her being sexy was important to her fame, but because she didn't share it with everyone on the big screen, she was a slut.
The most recent issue: she yelled at a reporter for being on his phone during a conference. However, it was later discovered that the reporter did not speak English fluently and was using his phone to translate what Lawrence was saying. For many people who originally supported her, this was a final blow. She was rude, and inconsiderate to a man trying to understand what she was saying. But once again, she was praised again and again for having no filter-so why would she think it was wrong to yell at him. She has been put on that pedestal for so long that what we praised her for has become the innate parts of her personality.
She's the same person that she was when she started her career-she's still loud, and opinionated, and pretty. But while people use to praise her for this, now they see these qualities as downfalls and shame her. We created this sassy, gorgeous, down to earth, talented person, and were upset when she played the role too well.
Interesting, isn't it?
connection to piece of work? just wondering?